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What clients say

About: Biographical Counselling

Liliane Cammarano


Biographical Counselling was for me a journey of recognizing myself, taking control of my life and awakening to a more conscious life. Elisa invited me to access this content in a sensitive and embracing way, which helped me with deep reflections as well as making decisions on how to stay very connected with what makes sense to me and what I can contribute to the world. Another gift that was not foreseen was the building of a relationship that goes far beyond a counsellor and her client, since her life story and her way of seeing the world are also an inspiration for me. I loved it and I highly recommend it!!

About: Art Counselling

Ana Sartori


I did Art Therapy, and as I have anxiety, the result was excellent. With this practice I managed to recover my balance, through colors, reliefs and images. In addition, Elisa Fleury is a great professional, always concerned for the patient's well-being.

About: Counselling & Mentoring

Paulo Paiva


Acting on something known is always easier than on the unknown. Fear, insecurities either stop or propel us into situations which we would not choose if we were aware that in these situations we can also learn and find opportunities. Working on these issues with Elisa was one of the greatest opportunities of self-knowledge and development I've ever had, I gained not only a professional but also a personal evolution which opened doors and opportunities of great value to me. Certainly today I am a better person, with a clearer and more objective view of many topics, which in the past were fear, insecurity and impediment, and which today I face as challenges, but I am certain that something good will always arise and thus I see my development taking a natural way, with effort, but without suffering, without pain, I am certainly better as a person and in parallel, I am a better professional and I reap the benefits in a more natural and frequent way!! Thank you Elisa!!

About: Biographical Counselling

Lidi Meyer Domingues


The relationship with the therapist, who was very clear in the explanations and teaching techniques, with excellent teaching materials and deep knowledge of the subject. With the knowledge that I acquired about myself and with my ability to desire, I can broaden my perceptions.

About: Art Counselling

Silvia Elisabete Magalhães


How did it all begin? I received an invitation from a group of friends to participate in weekly meetings. In this one we would get in touch and get to know Art Therapy, guided by the psychologist Elisa Fleury. I was looking forward to this new stage in my life.

A little about myself:

I have always worked in an extremely technical area, dentistry. All my professional training, established standards that had already been studied and scientifically proven. Colors restricted to shades of white, gray, yellowish, beige.  Color scale that was used on a daily basis.  So were the shapes, anatomy to be respected. Always giving myself to develop physical and functional well-being. Today, Art Therapy was introduced. I awakened to feel and experience nature. At sunset, I feel its warmth, its colors, its energy. The sun with its white light, modified in the atmosphere and changing into various shades of red, orange, yellow. The great opportunity I had to find and feel the divine. This was one of the countless experiences, with an element of nature, previously dormant. I got to know my temperament, and work my melancholic side, I felt that over the years, it has become more emphasized.  This self-knowledge, leading to moments of reflection, makes me find the balance for a better life. Living with people, knowing and understanding their attitudes, feeling, observing, participating, interacting. This experience was great.  Art therapy made me come in contact with a being who was “asleep” inside me.  Is this a catharsis?

About: Art Counselling

Maria Regina Levy Farto Koetsier


As a conclusion for the past formation “Deepening the Inner Light” I would really like to say that it helped much in the increasing of the knowledge about myself and it was mastered by this wonderful teacher Elisa who knew how to keep the interest on the subject  as well as opening the doors for the next steps which I look forward to following.

Deeply thankful for the opportunity,

Elisa Fleury



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